On July 11th – 18th, 2022 International Office of Universitas Jambi organized a cultural visit for International Students studying in Universitas Jambi (UNJA) to Special Region of Yogyakarta. Around 25 participants delegated in this 1-week Program including UNJA International Students, Lecturers and IO Staffs. The delegation led by Dr. Sri Wachyunni as Head of International Office left Jambi City on early morning of July 11th. The trip initially provided a visit to Ampera Bridge in Palembang City situated on the way to Yogyakarta City. The delegation arrived to Yogyakarta City on July 12th and the following days were occupied with cultural visits to various places in Yogyakarta City. The activities consisted of an official visit to Faculty of Language and Arts at Universitas Negari Yogyakarta and enjoying cultural heritage and history at Borobudur Buddhist Temple, Kraton Palace and Taman Sari, an ancient Royal Garden in Yogyakarta Ciry. Participants also went to (volcanic) Mount Merapi for Jeep Lava Tour and explored the history of the vocalno at Sisa Hartaku Museum and Bunker Kaliadem. In addition, participants enjoyed doing dress up with Indonesian Tranditional Batik at Batik Rumah Suryowijayan and visited Pesar Barinharjo, Malioboro Yogyakarta and Heha Sky View. Before the delegation left for Jambi, they also went to Beach Parangritis. This cultural visits provided invaluable opportunities not only for International Students to explore and learn Indonesia’s cultures and philosophies, especially Java Culture but also for  local participants to expend their knowledge on other cultures. This cultural visit eventually concluded with Students’ arrival back to Jambi City on July 18th.

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